Etouch Tutorial System .The ETouch Tutorial Monitoring System system is designed to help educators monitor and track tutorial attendance of their students. It re-imagines the manual process of tracking tutorials with an easy to use solution that captures student attendance at the point of entry/exit in a centralize way. Information is tracked and available for collaboration and decision making. The system is developed for desktops and mobile devices.
Point of EntryIn the age of digital technology, we've re-imagined the paper process students and educators endure for keeping abreast of tutorials. We’ve replaced it with an easy to use mobile check in process that enables educators to understand, who is attending, where are the kids and did they actually show up.
CentralizedNow educators have visibility into who is actually attending tutorials, when they attended them and for what reason. All in a centralized way for better understanding of how participation is helping drive academic success.
CollaborationEducators can work together to help monitor and track students and participation. Coaches, Teachers, Parents and Administrators can now be on the same page in helping drive student success. Awareness and accountability gives educators the ability to effectively work with students and parents for success.